Thursday, October 21, 2010


Love is a long journey that involves much TRUST and SACRIFICE. To this, we should learn how to love TRULY, trust DEEPLY, and sacrifice SINCERELY. It’s all in one package. We cannot love if we don’t trust and if we don’t sacrifice.
We have been created in this world to be love and be loved. God should be the center of your relationship. But nowadays, love for some of us is no longer a spiritual thing but a physical thing. We abuse it, use it for bad desires, and get addicted to it and in the end die for it.
Pure LOVE is a sacrifice. It is setting aside our self for someone we are entrusting our future with. Love makes a person to learn how to TRUST, and SACRIFICE. A person can set aside his/her desires, wants, fears and needs for that special person. 

By: Jerih Delgado Asong


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